Tuesday, May 17, 2005


it's healthy to reflect on our lives. we break the timeline of existence into periods marked by major events and it's easy to live so focused on the current period with momentary glances to the immediately previous one that we forget how life looks from the "big picture" perspective. reflection really gives us a glimpse at ourselves from God's view... the whole parade at one time, grand marshall to street sweeper all in the same picture.

i started this blog almost three years to today's date! since that time my life has undergone dramatic (and welcome) changes. in recent days i've found myself in contact with friends (mostly from emmanuel college) with whom i lost contact for a while... some i outright neglected because of the "tyranny of the urgent" in my life. because of my closest long-time friend's blog (jonap... see links), i was reminded that i had an existing blog, too! in fact, so do MANY of the people who meant so much to me during my undergrad career.

reading their thoughts and reviewing my own past blog posts drive the point home... the past is important. it's almost insulting to refer to these friendships with the term "the past"... they are part of the big picture and they influence who i am. they are VERY important. praise God for technology... thanks to this platform, friends distributed from michigan to the ukraine can still influence us in this current period and aren't necessarily resigned to memories simply because of miles. for four years i have missed the relationships that developed at ec and i'm glad to reconnect now. it's good to be back in this incredible community!


Iris said...

Hey! Thanks for the post! I'm glad to see you here in "blogworld." It's nice to hear from old friends, even if it's across the wires. Your family is adorable.

Mel said...

EFW!!!! I am sooo glad you posted on my blog. It is great to hear from you. I got your invite for the wedding but my life has been a whirlwind over the last couple of years. I kept the invitation on my desk for months saying that I was going to at least write but as you see that never happened. Congratulations... on the wife and your new family!

I can't wait to hear more from you!

RLH said...

Welcome (back)!!! Keeping up with a blog starts out as a hassle, but after a while it becomes second nature. It does help that it has also become an EC Alumni "fad" to start a blog.

Gina said...

EFW, thanks for the sentiments in the email you sent to Jonap and me. We're grateful for your friendship and the connection we keep with you...even across the vast distance that stretches from Georgia to Michigan!

Fawn Rainey said...

EFW!!!! It's so good to find you again! Did you notice I named my blog by the nickname you gave me? It's so good to have a direct line to you and not have to hear it third hand! Congrats on the family and ministry thing, I look forward to staying in touch!