Tuesday, May 16, 2006

the empire strikes back

the blogosphere is always the last to know... two weeks ago (no, maybe three) vanessa and i found out we are expecting again! yep, we're having our third child and the world's second naturally-born foster-whiddon! lexie and i are hoping it's a boy, but i love my girls, so if the estrogen level rises in our family i guess i'll be OK with it! if it's a boy, his name will be holton daniel and if it's a girl, she'll be karis olivia.

vanessa's nauseous and moody... the first trimester was bad last time, too... but we'll make it through. at this point we're saying that this will be our last addition to the empire... a full set of foster-whiddons it is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations EFW! That's pretty exciting stuff.